What's Going On?
Sunday morning - 10.30am
We come to church to spend time with God, to learn more about Him and to pray. Sometimes this includes a worship band, sometimes it includes an interactive style of worship in a cafe setting, or in optional choices of activities. Sometimes it is a traditional organ accompaniment, or a contemplative service.
Whatever the style of service, it always includes a welcome for people who come to visit or who are looking for the answers to questions; those who just want to know 'what happens in there?' and those who are searching for something.
A bit more information to help....Our different styles of worship....
TRADITIONAL METHODIST SERVICE - Varies with special events throughout the church calendar
CAFE CHURCH - A more informal open service with refreshments served
ZONE WORSHIP - Various groups around the church building exploring worship through arts / crafts / drama / quiet reflection / prayer etc
Events through the week
Wide and varied activities aimed at all age groups - please have a look further down the menu....
- Short Cross Methodist Church
- Attwood Street
- Halesowen
- B63 3UE